The Background
On this page we provide background information and collect analyses and narratives on the subject.
Final Results of Comprehensive External Evaluation of the National Response to AIDS
Remarks by: Dr. Olavi Elo, Team Leader
Stakeholders Meeting // Ministry of Health of Ukraine // July 23, 2008<
1. Introduction and Overview
Dear Mr. Minister, Dear Members of the National Council, Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Evaluation Team, it is with a sense of urgency that I present the final results of the Comprehensive External Evaluation of the National Response to AIDS.
Given the complexity of this evaluation - which is the most comprehensive evaluation of a national AIDS programme ever conducted - the process of drafting this report took longer than expected. With the support of 32 members of the Evaluation Team, we have worked for five months to compile the results of the evaluation into a consolidated report. We have synthesized the data from interviews with over 360 people in Ukraine, as well the results of research and summary reports for over 120 technical issues.
Final Results of Comprehensive External Evaluation of the National Response to AIDS (PDF, 160KB)
All Results: National Report On Monitoring Progress Towards The UNGASS Declaration (PDF, 2.7MB)
August 15, 2008 |
Category: Background
Study of alcohol consumption in men aged 25-54 years in Russia.
Prevalence and socio-economic distribution of hazardous patterns of alcohol drinking: study of alcohol consumption in men aged 25-54 years in Izhevsk, Russia.
June 15, 2007 |
Category: Background
Impact of transition on public health in Ukraine
A case study of the HIV/AIDS epidemic
Ukraine has the highest per capita prevalence of HIV infection within Europe 1.4%. This poses a serious threat to the region's social and economic stability. Ukraine is geographically the largest country in Europe, apart from the Russian Federation. Economic growth year on year started in 2000, following a decade of recession during "transition" after the collapse of the Soviet Union (1989) and Ukrainian independence (1991). At current rates of growth, pre-transition levels of prosperity will not be reached until 2016.
For further reading go to: Impact of transition on public health in Ukraine
March 26, 2007 |
Category: Background
International HIV/AIDS Alliance Access to rig...
In ihrem Bericht von 2005 evaluiert die International HIV/Aids Alliance Zugang, Behandlung und Versorgung für Menschen, die mit HIV/Aids leben in der Ukraine. Untersucht wurden u.a. die Bereiche soziale und psychologische Unterstützung, Beratungsangebote und Behandlung opportunistischer Infektionen.
Der Bericht ist als PDF in englischer Sprache verfügbar
August 30, 2006 |
Category: Background
Rhetoric and Risk: Human Rights Abuses Impeding Ukraine's Fight Against HIV/AIDS
Human Rights Watch veröffentlicht in seinem 84-Seiten Report vom März 2006, einen detaillierten Bericht zur Lage der Menschenrechtsverletzungen in der Ukraine, die den Kampf gegen HIV/Aids stark behindern.
For further reading go to: Rhetoric and Risk: Human Rights Abuses Impeding Ukraine's Fight Against HIV/AIDS
August 30, 2006 |
Category: Background
Part of drug crimesin total crimes rate in Ukraine
PowerPoint Vortrag: Part of drug crimes in total crimes rate in Ukraine
von Pavlo Skala, Programme Officer: Policy and Advocacy.
ICF "International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine" www.aidsalliance.org.ua
For further reading go to: Part of drug crimesin total crimes rate in Ukraine
August 30, 2006 |
Category: Background
Interview with Anja Teltschik in Fall 2005
For several years now Anja Teltschik has been working in leading positions for national and international aid organisations in the field of Public Health and HIV/Aids. Since early 2003 she lives and works in Ukraine.
For further reading go to: Interview with Anja Teltschik in Fall 2005
August 29, 2006 |
Category: Background