Photo Gallery Nadeshda Care Programme

These pictures were made in Summer 2005 during the shooting of the dcumentary "We don't want to die that way. AIDS in Odessa" and the first training courses in Ukraine in 2005/2006.

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Anja, our interpeter, and Inge

The workshop/tutorial participants


Inge and Klaus during role play

Inge and Klaus during role play


The workshop/tutorial participant

Juschni Summer 2006

More and more participants

Nurse/Sister Hannelore from Tauwerk, Berlin

It is not as simple to brush someone else's teeth

? and Ljuba visiting the Berlin AIDS-Hilfe

Inge and Dzvinka with Lena, who was infected with AIDS and has died in the meanwhile

Klaus, Inge, Dzvinka and Arnd elaborate the concept

Inge and Dzvinka

Writing the journal

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